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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, August 1, 1946

• Dr. Hendricks of Rock Springs, Wyoming was in Verndale Wednesday of last week checking out the prospect of buying Dr. Bosland’s residence and office quarters, and while here came to the conclusion this was just the type of community he wanted to be located in. Consequently, he and Dr. Bosland made the preliminary negotiation for Dr. Hendricks purchase.

• The good neighbor policy was again brought to light in this community Tuesday afternoon of this week when 21 men and three tractors and binders cut and shocked 60 acres of grain for Henry Beven. Beven is confined to the Wesley Hospital receiving medical treatment to save the sight of one or both of his eyes.

• L.E. Suddendorf, a progressive and active businessman in Verndale for over 30 years, sold his butcher shop, grocery stock and fixtures last Thursday to Everett E. Davis of Wadena, former Verndale young man. Mr. Davis, however, will not take over the business until September 1 as he will have to finish the harvesting of his crop on his farm west of Verndale, and dispose of his farm personal property first.

40 Years Ago, July 30, 1981

• Seventeen-year-old Kari Kvamme, daughter of Bill and Marilyn Beven of Verndale, took first place Sunday night out of 45 cars in the demolition derby. Kari fared very well, winning a trophy and $150 in cash for the first time she has ever participated in this type of event. Her older brother, Dan, who has entered the derby previously, also took part this year and he and Kari placed in heats entitling them to participate in the feature on Thursday evening. Kari’s car belonged to Rodney Bounds and it was prepared for the race by her father and Jerome Bounds. She was sponsored by the River Inn. Other Verndale winners were Wally and Chet Anderson and Bruce Steinkopf.

• Mabel Seal, 93, of Verndale and George Buck of Sebeka were crowned the Wadena County Senior Queen and King during a coronation ceremony held in conjunction with the Wadena County Fair. Senator Collin Peterson did the honors. Judy Schultz, a member of the selection committee, presented Mabel and George certificates signed by Governor Al Quie.

• Art Miller of rural Verndale, who celebrated his 80th birthday a year ago in April, died at Tri-County Hospital on July 25 after a lengthy bout with cancer. He was Aldrich Township’s oldest resident, having been born there on April 20, 1900 and lived there his entire life. His parents John C. and Lena Sorenson Miller were hard workers and taught their family not to buy anything they couldn’t afford. Art lived with this policy all of his life. Art served as clerk of Aldrich Township for 11 years and served on the Wadena County Board of Commissioners from 1956-1976.

15 Years Ago, August 3, 2006

• Pictured in the Verndale Strawhat and Sunbonnet Days photo: Kelly Stave was crowned Miss Verndale, Stacy Richter is the new Little Miss Verndale; Jay Weiher is the new Verndale Sorehead; King and Queen Bob and Marian Derby rode through the parade in a horse-drawn wagon.

• The Verndale School Board took action to hire back Superintendent Madsen on a one-year contract. Madsen has been superintendent in Verndale for two periods of time. He retired on June 30. The Superintendent Search Committee contacted other school districts to try and negotiate an arrangement to share one superintendent between two districts. They were unable to make arrangements in time for the school year.

• The moment everyone had waited for and waited for indeed, finally came. This year it took Bessy almost three hours to determine the winners of the Messy Bessy Contest. Everyone waiting was about to call it a night and finally the winners were announced: Wayne Stave, Collin Cottrell and Bill Skarka.


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