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Former counselor suing Circle R Ranch

According to court documents, in a lawsuit filed on June 22 in Anoka County, a person identified as Doe 602, is suing Circle R Ranch in Long Prairie.

Doe 602 was a minor and alleges Circle R Ranch’s agent Scott Fortier sexually abused her in Blaine.

Jack McCoy was and continues to be the owner of Circle R Ranch.

Many of Circle R Ranch’s staff begin as campers before being selected as junior counselors, counselors or directors. Junior counselors are “counselors in training” or potential counselors. They do not get paid but stay at the ranch for free while they receive training. Circle R Ranch allowed minors, including Doe 602, to come to camp as counselors when they are as young as 15 years old.

Scott Fortier was an adult employed at Circle R Ranch as a camp counselor, program director and/or volunteer.

Fortier is currently a prisoner at FCC Pekin in Pekin, Illinois as a result of convictions from his sexual abuse and exploitation of Doe 602 and another minor Circle R Ranch counselor.

From 2000-2001, Fortier provided alcohol to a minor counselor at the ranch and began a sexual relationship with her beginning when she was 17, and Fortier was an adult. He secretly recorded himself having sex with the girl, telling her about it after the fact. He showed the girl a secret camera in his bathroom he used to record guests using the bathroom without their knowledge. . .


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