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Harkening Back

News from Clarissa's Past

25 Years Ago

May 14, 1997

Thanks to the foresight and determination of a lot of Central Minnesota people, those needing nursing home care will have a nearby facility-the Central Todd County Care Center in Clarissa-CTCCC. Spearheaded by a group of Clarissa residents, plans for a nursing home began in the late 1960s. Their goal was to provide a facility in their own area for older folks to spend their later years. In 1976, the state granted a Certificate of Need, the residents in the city of Clarissa approved a referendum for general revenue financing and the project was underway. The city council appointed a governing committee composed of Harlan Dixon, Glenn Jedlicka, Merle Larson, Gene Lindquist, Jerry Schnettler, Vonda Hedlund, and Joyce Kent.


On Tuesday, May 6, Mrs. Lubben’s and Mrs. Hommerding’s third graders hosted a party for classroom volunteers this past year. The volunteers helped with Omnibus, Jr. Great Books, craft projects, flashcards for math, oral reading, first aid, special sharing time, and reading special books to the classroom. We appreciated all their help. The volunteers are Nancy Harren, Joyce Ehnes, JoEllen Einerwold, Sheila Klein, Patti Weifert, Randy LaVoie, Debra Engen, Renae Godding, Barb Hess, Rose Peterson, and Steve Weishair.

50 Years Ago

May 11, 1972

Frank Chihos has his own “Leaning Tower” to view, located on his other farm about five miles south of Clarissa. This silo started to lean when the frost left and the ground became soggy and not solid enough to hold the silo up anymore on one side. Passers-by cannot understand how it can lean so far to the east and not topple.


Jonathan Hanson, son of Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Hanson has been accepted as a member of a High School Musicians’ Project to be held on the Campus of the University at St. Paul from June 18 to July 16.


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