Harkening Back

News from Clarissa's Past
25 Years Ago
June 4, 1997
“What a mess,” that was the thought that went through Sergeant E-5 Richard Nauber’s mind when he first entered Ada, Minnesota. Ada was one of the first cities in Northern Minnesota to be struck early this spring by flooding. Nauber said he believed the flooding in Ada was from the Wild Rice River as the Red River is 16 miles from Ada. Nauber, who lives in Clarissa and is with Company E 434th Main Support Battalion based in Long Prairie, arrived in Ada on April 10. Nauber and others in his battalion operated 12 generators. Four were used for keeping the water out of the town by running the main pump/lift stations.
The Clarissa American Legion was visited by Richard Philabaum, Department of Minnesota 6th District Commander from Lake Henry recently. Pictured after the meeting were Gene Booker, Val Peterson, Gene Lindquist, Richard Philabaum, Ella Lindquist, Ruth McKindley, Glee Reierson, Vivian Yates, and Janet Schnettler.
50 Years Ago
June 1, 1972
Iona Rockbusters 4-H club members and leaders helped to beautify Clarissa’s New Park when they planted a Norman Cromson Red Maple Tree in the park last week. The members purchased the tree from a nursery in Willmar and planted it for their state community service project “plant a tree now.”
Another small convenience that we people living in the rural communities have taken for granted is obsolete as of today, June 1, meaning, of course, the closing of the village dump.