Harkening Back
News from Clarissa's Past
25 Years Ago
December 17, 1997
Central Ag Service held its annual meeting last week reporting sales of $6,082,225. Larry Dickinson is the manager and board members are Victor Kurpiers, Rod Piepho, Bruce Padewitz, Steve Gjerstad, Dale Greenwaldt, Gerald Johnson, Kevin Ehnes and Gary Thompson.
On Saturday, December 13 the Rebels wrestling team traveled to Staples to wrestle in a quad with Staples, Motley, Brainerd and Parkers Prairie. The Staples-Motley Cardinals placed third in the state last year and are still very strong. Eagle Valley wrestled Staples the first round and lost 6 to 69.
50 Years Ago
December 14, 1972
It was announced today by Ruben Miller, village clerk, that the village of Clarissa received its first revenue-sharing check from the Federal Government under the new local assistance-sharing program. This first check is for the revised retroactive payment for the period covering January 1, 1972 through June 30, 1972.
The high school program will be presented on Tuesday, December 19, at 8 p.m. The Madrigal group will begin the program at 7:30 p.m. with caroling in the auditorium. They will be followed by the senior band, the seventh and eighth grade chorus, the pop groups and some small ensembles. The program will conclude with the principle part being a cantata, “Love Transcending,” by the senior choir. All past choir members are invited to join the choir in the last two songs “As Lately We Watched,” and “Joy to the World.”