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Harkening Back

News from Clarissa's Past

25 Years Ago

March 10, 1999

The Clarissa City Council heard from three teenagers during their March 1 regular meeting. The young men, Kirk Hayes, Wyatt Morcomb and Joe Pudwill, were at the meeting to petition the council with an idea which would help get skateboard riders off the city streets in Clarissa and into the city park. Hayes said he had already called a company listed in one of his skateboarding magazines about the cost of some ramps in the park. One was about $3000. Council Member Gene Booker asked if this was something that could be built at the school. Hayes said he thought they could be and he and the two others said they would be willing to help build them.


Over a week ago the Rebels ended their regular season with a four game winning streak going into the section tournament as the #5 seed. On Monday night, they took on the #4 seed the Parkers Prairie Panthers who defeated the Rebels by over 20 points.

50 Years Ago

March 7, 1974

The Clarissa Public School is participating in the Minnesota Statewide Educational Assessment Program, and the questionnaires which were sent to the parents of all nine-year-old students are being assessed at the Clarissa School.


Local people as well as travelers throughout the state seemed to adapt fairly well to the new speed limit of 55 that went into effect at one minute after midnight on Sunday in order to conserve fuel.



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