Harkening Back

News from Clarissa's Past
25 Years Ago
May 12, 1999
National Nursing Home Week is observed May 9-15 this year. There has been bad news about nursing homes in the media for as long as the homes have been in operation. Allegations of abuse are as far reaching as all sides of the United States and beyond. The Central Todd County Care Center located in Clarissa is one of the many exceptions to the “bad news nursing home” story. The building is well cared for and clean. It was built over 22 years ago and in that time 525 people have been employed there. Currently, there are 110 employees.
Janice Benson of Clarissa was recently promoted to assistant cashier at the First State Bank of Clarissa. Janice has been employed at the bank for four and a half years.
50 Years Ago
May 16, 1974
Kevin Beaudoin, a junior at the Clarissa High School, was selected by the American Legion Post 213 as the Boy’s Stater from Clarissa to attend the annual Boy’s State session to be held on the Campus of St. John’s University at Collegeville beginning June 9. Kevin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dahn Beaudoin.
Mrs. Joyce Kent, local sixth grade teacher for many years, announced her retirement this week and submitted her resignation last Monday night to the school board.