Harkening Back

News from Clarissa's Past
25 Years Ago
August 11, 1999
At the regular meeting of the Clarissa City Council on August 2, the council tackled issues ranging from the abuse of a city alley and easement to employee wages and insurance. The council received a letter from their attorney about the alley located between Carrick’s Addition and Greig’s Addition between Oak and Mill streets. The city has 26 feet between the two housing developments. The letter gave a few alternatives as to what to do with the property and the suggestion from the attorney was that it may be the city’s best option to do nothing about the alley. Vacating the property would be more costly.
The city approved the bid for tarring the walking path last Tuesday and by Friday Nate Rolfes and Derek Petersen were out enjoying the smooth ride down the hill to the park.
50 Years Ago
August 15, 1974
Two cows were killed by a bolt of lightning about 4 a.m. on Monday morning at the Francis Carrick farm located about one mile north of Clarissa.
Gerald Rudolph Ford, 61, took the oath of office as the 38th president of the United States at 12:03 EDT last Friday, August 9. He is the first president to assume the office without having won a national election.