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Harkening Back

News from Clarissa's Past

25 Years Ago

September 15, 1999

A child is lost in the woods or a hunter is late returning to camp, and is feared lost. Both of these are scary situations. Law enforcement now has another group they can call in when those situations occur—the Central Lakes Canine Search and Rescue team. Its headquarters is the farm home of Dale and Carla Leehy, rural Clarissa. Carla was instrumental in organizing the local unit.


Todd County’s emergency personnel and law enforcement officers will participate in a mock disaster drill on Thursday, September 16, beginning at 7 p.m. The drill will be a mock tornado touchdown in Clarissa. Sites for the drill will include the Clarissa City Park, Clarissa Ballroom parking lot, Central Todd County Care Center, Heritage Apartments, Clarissa Manor, the Silbernagel gravel pit and the Eagle Valley High School in Eagle Bend. Volunteer victims will give emergency personnel a chance to hone the skills that would be needed in an actual disaster.

50 Years Ago

September 19, 1974

Complete with a newly crowned king and queen, a football game and a dance, the Clarissa High School will hold its annual homecoming this Thursday and Friday. Candidates for queen are: Sharon DeBlieck, Donna Jansen, Barbara Jenkins, Charlotte Wagner, and Kim Watts. King candidates are: Kevin Beaudoin, Tim Hansen, Andrew Hanson, Chuck Karjala, Tim Petersen, Ray Petersen, and Gregg Thompson.


The 1974 Minnesota State Fair championship 4-H fair dairy team from Todd County included: Randy Meyer, 18, Clarissa; Mike Motl, 17, Browerville; Curt Krause, 16, Eagle Bend; Karen Krause, 15, Eagle Bend; and Kent Thiesse, summer extension assistant coach.


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