Harkening Back

News from Clarissa's Past
25 Years Ago
January 26, 2000
The Clarissa City Council heard reports and discussed an ice skating rink. Shellie Drayna and Sherry Crider talked to the council members about putting in a skating rink. They were going to check with Browerville about the rubber mat they use as a base for their rink and report back to the council.
Eagle Valley spelling bee winners were: Jospeh LaVoie, sixth grade, took first place by spelling the word ‘rueful’; Megan Busch, seventh grade, second place; Philip Allen, seventh grade, third place; Eva Wood, sixth grade, fourth place; Adam Gadbow, eighth grade, fifth place; and Nate Wood, eighth grade, sixth place.
50 Years Ago
January 30, 1975
Members of the Clarissa High School Choir along with their parents are planning a Mid-Winter Carnival to be held on Saturday evening, February 8, at the Clarissa High School gymnasium.
Two members of the A-1 4-H Club of Browerville were named as champions in the 4-H Radio Speaking Contest held Saturday, January 25, in Long Prairie. Bruce Paskewitz was named champion in the senior division and Diane Paskewitz in the junior division.