Harkening Back

News from Clarissa's Past
25 Years Ago
February 2, 2000
The second quarter Accelerated Reader High Point Earners are, grade one: Megan Thibodeau 9.6, Patricia Lopez 6.9, Chance Johnson, 5.3. Grade two: Ashely Perish 13.8, Shannon Ecklund 11.3, David Oliver 11.3. Grade three: Tyler Berg 15.6, Michael Fuller 7.6, Mitchell Ahrendt 64.1. Grade four: Patrick Perish 33.0, Emily Olson 28.0, Katie Asfeld 19. Grade five: Mikayla Krause17.5, Rachel Allen 16.8, Brianna Steuve 16.1. Grade six: Joseph LaVoie 60.7, Eva Wood 58.8, Steve Harren 23.8.
On Tuesday night, January 25, the ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education) class invited Monty the clown to join the class. She showed the class how she put her make-up and her costume on. Monty also brought in clown costumes for the students and the parents to wear.
50 Years Ago
February 6, 1975
Clarissa area residents are going to have their very own dentist again as Dr. John M. Romstad of Minneapolis informed the Independent this week that he will open his dental practice here about April.
The bright gold and black sign “Cook’s Garage” went up just recently as Vernon Cook and his brother, Lawrence, completed a transaction which they purchased the Dahlman Garage from Don Dahlman. The transaction was completed January 21.