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Harkening Back

News from Clarissa's Past

25 Years Ago

March 13, 1996

The Eagle Valley Study Club presented the Eagle Valley Elementary School with two books for the library. “Raising the Roof” and “Grandpa’s Hammer” written by Ronald Kidd and illustrated by Bill Farnsworth. Each book is a Habitat for Humanity book. Todd County is a new affiliate of this organization. Todd County residents will be hearing more about this organization in the upcoming weeks. The two books were read to the first and second graders by Kay Nelson, a Study Club member.


The Alumnus Tourney will be held on Friday, March 15, and Saturday, March 16 at the Clarissa gym. Game one will be Team 5: Bob Schnettler, Virgil Berndt, Pete Cook, Bob Cuchna, Jim Dickinson, Keith Kuhn, Kevin Kuhn, Skip LaDue, John Rowe, Paul Schnettler, and Scott Winters versus Team 2: Mike Hinzmann, Cory Bennett, Mark Burns, Scott Gregerson, Paul Holmquist, Paul Johnson, Kurt Kuhn, Mike Line, Mike Meiners, Tony Murphy, Adam Riedel, and Ken Sales.

50 Years Ago

March 11, 1971

What must be considered every basketball player’s dream was accompanied by Phill Wolff in Monday night’s game with the Upsala Cardinals when he dropped a basket in the last second of the game to lead the Buccaneers to victory by a score of 59-58 and win the first game in the first round of action in the District 22 playoffs.


A firm that will specialize in fire detection equipment will locate in Clarissa shortly, it was announced this week.


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