Harkening Back

News from Clarissa's Past
25 Years Ago
May 8, 1996
When Harley Fahrenholz built his first rock picker, one wonders if he had any idea what his invention would create. Harley did not like rock picking and spent hours and years working on his rock picking device. He sold his first working rock picker and accompanying windrower for $1200 in 1949. In 1983, GlenMac Inc. bought the Harley Rock Picker plant which is located on the outskirts of Clarissa across from the Central Todd County Care Center on Highway 71. This spring they will be introducing a new rock picker/beachcomber that is shorter and more maneuverable.
The Clarissa Lions Club donated $2000 to the Eagle Valley Elementary School for a new sound system, accepted by Dale Svaren, superintendent. John Sieling, girls softball coach, and Christy Hinzmann, girls softball player, accepted $600 for uniform tops. Kelly Bican accepted a check for $1000 for the post-prom donation.
50 Years Ago
May 6, 1971
With the theme “Dream the Impossible Dream” and a well-known band called “The System,” the junior class at the Clarissa High School entertained the senior class and faculty at the annual prom last Saturday evening at the school auditorium.
Eight A’s were won by various groups and solos from the Clarissa High School music department at the State Regional Music Contest held in Detroit Lakes last Saturday.