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Harkening Back

News from Clarissa's Past

25 Years Ago

May 29, 1996

The Eagle Valley Elementary School Principal Diana Osterfeld conducted business on the school roof as part of the reward for the elementary readers meeting their goal of 9000 books read in the “When Life is Dragon, Read” program. There were 296 children participating.


Harold Jedlicka and Glenn Kotval, representing Western Fraternal Life Association, Lodge 323, planted a Royal Red Norway Maple near the Clarissa Manor Apartments. Each year members plant a tree within the city for the Earth Care Project. In the past, they’ve planted trees by the Central Todd County Care Center, Clarissa Medical Clinic, Legion Hall, Manor Apartments, and the City Park.

50 Years Ago

May 27, 1971

Residents of Clarissa and the community will join with the American Legion and Auxiliary next Sunday in the traditional exercise to honor the men and women who have served and who have died in America’s wars, Ray Peterson, commander of Legion Post 213, announced on Tuesday.


A crowd of over 160 attended the first-anniversary open house at Host’s Garage in Clarissa last Friday afternoon. Cake and coffee were served.


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