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Harkening Back

News from Clarissa's Past

25 Years Ago

July 10, 1996

Pat Lunemann and Jeff Hauer are building a new barn. While this fact in and of itself is not a big deal, the fact that the barn will house 400 cows is a big deal. The free-stall barn will be 112’x268’ and the milking parlor, milk house and offices will measure 64’x130’. The barn is currently in the construction stage, but Lunemann and Hauer hope they will be able to have an open house tour of the facility by late summer.


We need those that have been asked to do writing to get those articles to us by September 1 or sooner if possible said Vonda Hedlund. The articles she is referring to are the articles that will fill the Clarissa Centennial book with the history of our community. On July 11, the Centennial Book Committee will be meeting at Heritage Place in the community room. Get those articles written and in to Hedlund, Jackie Johanson, Roz Cuchna or Don Hayes.

50 Years Ago

July 8, 1971

A tornado touched down quickly last Monday at about 7:15 p.m. and did considerable damage on the farms of Mrs. Marie Hudalla and Leo Stoecker, just about a mile southeast of Clarissa.


Stephen Ahrendt and Randy Meyer of Clarissa will represent Todd County at the 1971 State 4-H Dairy Conference to be held at the University of Minnesota, Waseca Technical College and Southern Experiment Station July 12-14.


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