Hilltop Regional Housing group needs your help—application for funding due July 5

by Karin L. Nauber
A meeting to address the growing need for housing in the county was held on Wednesday, May 29 with another held on Thursday, May 30 for those who couldn’t make the first meeting or had additional questions.
Todd County Council on Aging Director Verna Toenyan talked about the project and where the steps they are taking now to help garner more points for the application through Central Minnesota Housing Partnership, Inc (CMHP). They have been working with Deanna Hemmesch, the director at CMHP.
Last year their application failed by two points!
This year they are doing everything they can to get more points including an ambitious attempt to raise $189,000 through pledges and donations.
They have set up a GoFundMe page to make donating from afar easier.
You can access the page at this website: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-transform-eagle-bend-school-for-seniors?cdn-cache=0. You can also search for “Support Hilltop Square Apartments in Eagle Bend.”...