In Focus
Recently, a rodeo clown called me “Teeter” as in the actress from the television series Yellowstone. Cool...I think? I have never watched the show.
Having flaming red hair, I know I am hard to miss in a crowd.
Of course, I was told a million times after that to watch the series. It doesn’t look like it’s a bad show, just didn’t intrigue me. But, I’ve added it to my list.
This got me thinking about television shows...
It is impossible to watch everything that is available, everyone has different tastes, or doesn’t have the time to binge watch a season of something on a streaming service.
But, it does make for some interesting conversations.
I love anything syfy, fantasy, paranormal, anime—the farther from reality the better. Some of my favorites through the years were Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Grimm and my all time favorite, Supernatural.
I am learning how many people I work and socialize with haven’t seen Supernatural. While it surprises me, I also have never watched Gilmore Girls, which gets the same shocked reaction as I have to people not seeing Supernatural. Gilmore Girls is on my bucket list of things to watch—eventually. I guess I just have to be in the mood for some squishy drama—I normally like action and suspense. Blood, guts, and gore don’t bother me...I’m quite desensitized.
But, touchy feeling stuff is not for me. Comedies are great. I still believe the movie Marly and Me is the most depressing film ever, and I will never watch it again. I am one of those that can watch a human get blown up—just don’t mess with the animals!
With that said, I still haven’t see any of the John Wick films...yet.
I find it interesting how much pop culture affects us and becomes part of our daily lives. It gives us something to talk about, we find people with the same interests and bond over or argue about it over refreshments.
It’s the same with sports, music, books, games and whatnot. There are lots of interesting topics and we are all entitled to our own opinion and should be able to express it in our way such as buying merchandise and apparel to show our pride and support for what we love.
I am intrigued by the Teeter comparison...I may have to move Yellowstone up on my list...