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In Focus

A new school year is upon us and along with it comes some new policies. 

The new cell phone and personal device policy for area schools is interesting. It explains why students were allowed to have cell phones in class in the first place.

Are kids so attached to their cell phones that they are on them during class? Opinions differ on the matter but I feel they shouldn’t have had them in the classroom in the first place.

I honestly see no real reason students need to have a cell phone in class texting each other, playing games, etc. What I find most interesting are the murmurings of some parents who don’t like these policies because they can’t reach their kid during school hours. Parents should know from first-hand experience they need to call the office.

Many of us didn’t have cell phones when we were in school (and we lived to talk about it), and our parents reached us by calling the office.

There have been a lot of complaints about bullying. Limiting cell phone use while in school removes one of the tools that will hopefully reduce bullying. Kids should focus on class and learning instead of sending or waiting for a text message, which only distracts them. 

The kids aren’t happy about this, as they are the generation that has been raised with easy access to technology and instant communication. Some day they will enter the workforce and realize they can’t play on their phones at work. How will they handle that?

These young kids will never understand the value of not using their phone 24/7 if they are allowed to use their phones 24/7.

While I’m thankful for the development and advancement of cell phones, I am so glad I didn’t have them or social media while I was in high school.


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