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Lawson earns FFA’s highest honor

by Trinity Gruenberg

Verndale 2023 graduate Jayma Lawson received the FFA American Degree at the 97th annual FFA National Convention held in Indianapolis, Indiana, October 23-26.

Lawson is currently in her second year of study at the University of Minnesota Crookston, where she is studying agricultural education. She was led to this profession by her mentor and former FFA Advisor Hanna Milligan at the Verndale School.

“We figured that she was likely the first person in over 25 years, if not closer to 50 years, to receive her American Degree,” said Milligan. “She and Caleb Neal were also my first students to get their State Degrees in Verndale in 2023.” 

The American Degree is the highest award an FFA member can receive. It is based on three elements: ag education, involvement in leadership positions and community involvement, and supervised agricultural experiences (SAEs). 

“I’m very grateful that I had an advisor who continually pushed me and said, I know you would be great at this, and you know you have the heart and the will to do it,” said Lawson....



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