Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:
Money Talks
When Trump announced two and one half months ago, concerning no taxes on tips, the lying mainstream media exclaimed with horror how that would be a loss of 250 billion dollars in revenue.
However, that same media when Harris, the copy cat, delivered the same message last week she was heralded as a saint.
This bias has been happening ever since Trump and his wife came down the escalator in 2015, announcing his run for president.
Trump is a rare bird, in that he is one of the few wealthy people in the world who understands the plight of the common man. He understands economics much better than Obama, Biden, Harris and Walz.
The economic disaster we have experienced in the past three and one half years is a creation of the Biden-Harris administration. Yes, Harris owns every bit of it.
This disaster is nothing new. God warns us through the prophet Haggi in Chapter 1:5-6, “Give careful thought to your ways. You earn wages, only to put them in a purse with holes in it.”
Woe to him or her who thinks price fixing, which Kamala Harris suggests, will solve this problem.
What do you think?
Marty Tracy