Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:
Someone Come Forward
Which slogan do you like best? . . . Defending Democracy or Make America Great Again? Whichever one you choose, I hope I can give you something to think about, after reading this letter.
Let’s take a look at just a few undemocratic things that the party who claims to Defend Democracy did.
First, they conducted two deceitful impeachments. Then they tried to frame Trump supporters “as enemies of democracy” with the January 6 hoax. Moreover, the Biden-Harris regime conducted a SWAT team raid on Donald Trump’s home in Florida. A U.S. District Court has now dismissed this case against Trump.
The list goes on. The indictments in New York and Georgia are added examples. He is not a convicted felon. No one is until they are sentenced. That is a point of law.
Proverbs 18:17 states, “In a lawsuit, the first to speak seem right, until someone comes forward and cross-examines.”
The polices of the Democrat party and their propagandists in the media are the REAL threat to our constitutional republic!
Trump was one of our best diplomats. His policies were pearls of wisdom. He can talk to anyone, in a common sense manner, whether you like him or not.
The words of the late great Ronald Reagan echo loudly in the minds of all Americans: “Are you better of now than you were four years ago?”
Marty Tracy