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Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.

The Resource Center for Domestic Violence defines teen dating violence as a pattern of abuse against teens who are dating or involved in any kind of romantic capacity. This violence includes threats to the victim along with verbal, physical, emotional, sexual, and even digital forms of abuse.

In the United States, about 33% of male and female teens are victims of dating abuse, and about 43% of college aged women also reported experiencing these dating behaviors. These statistics justified an important need for an awareness month.

Therefore, on January 31, 2011, President Barack Obama declared that every February be recognized as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.

This year’s theme, “Respect That,” is a powerful concept. Respecting someone isn’t just a vague idea; it’s action and mindset. Healthy and loving relationships can happen when respect is a cornerstone—when trust and emotional safety thrive.

There are three important ways to show respect in a relationship:

• Respect Boundaries—Boundaries help define what you are comfortable with and how you want to be treated by others. They allow you to honor your needs, goals, feelings, and values.

• Respect Levels of Consent—Healthy relationships allow partners to communicate openly and to agree on what activities they want to pursue. Consent means respecting boundaries and never making assumptions. Consent should be clear, enthusiastic, and freely given.

• Engage in Respectful Communication—Healthy relationships require respect and communication. You should be able to voice your concerns and needs without fear of harming the relationship. Speak your truth respectfully and listen to your partner’s point of view.

Everyone deserves a safe and healthy relationship. If you or someone you know has questions about a relationship, healthy or unhealthy, please contact Hands of Hope Resource Center at 320-732-2319.

Remember, love has many definitions but abuse is not one of them.

Barb Dinkel Goodrich

Lead Advocate/Supervisor

Hands of Hope Resource

Center—Todd County


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