Letter to the Editor (Sun)
To the Editor:
By now most have had a chance to look at your 2023 Property Evaluations. It is true that the actual levy in dollars is set by the county board, schools and townships. And it is also true that these evaluation increases are re-set by the state and are statewide to some degree.
But for Wadena County, it is a double whammy. Because of our low tax base, rural residents will get a larger share of whatever the county levy ends up, later this year. And there are factors that will show themselves in the coming months, that will also drive up the levy dollars needed. Double whammy.
As a result of these huge increases in valuations, there are a lot of young people who will be priced out of the market, for buying a home or any type of land for a home. Properties with gates on the driveway will increase as our rural populations continue to decline. Schools will struggle with declining enrollment. Small cities will struggle with empty buildings and blight.
I think most involved in county government are trying to save money day to day. But it will take commissioners, other elected and department heads to bring forth ideas for the dramatic changes that need to start to occur ASAP.
Murlyn Kreklau
District 4 Commissioner