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News from Bertha's and Hewitt's Pasts

25 Years Ago

December 25, 1996

The Bertha-Hewitt School Board made plans and approved many new things for the school at the regular meeting. The first major purchase approved was for the new computer system in the high school. Mr. Bob Sieling came in and discussed how and where the new computers would go, and why they were needed.


Toby Horn of Colfax, Wisconsin spent from Friday until Sunday with his mother Gladys Horn. On Saturday Gladys and Toby spent the day with Ted and Kathy Pilgrim and boys in Park Rapids.

75 Years Ago

December 26, 1946

Because of temporary overstrength, the Army extended the draft holiday through January but made no promises for February. For the third successive month, there will be no call on select service for men and a substantial February quota would not be necessary due to a sharp decline in voluntary enlistments.


Happy New Year from the following Bertha businesses: Potratz Jack Sprat Food Store, Municipal Liquor Store, Guy Williams Implement Co., Golden Rule Store, Bertha Chick Hatchery, Donna’s Beauty Shop, Bertha Bakery, Miller’s Service Station, Bottemiller Oil Co., Standard Home Service Co., Herbert’s Store, Steinkrause Mercantile Co., Bertha Locker Plant, Bertha Cafe, Bertha Drug Co., Bertha Co-op Creamery Ass’n, Bertha Telephone Co., Ted’s Produce, Domian Farm Supply Co., New Bertha Theatre, Kozy Nook Cafe, Bertha Produce Co., Sundquist Barber Shop, Bertha Hardware and Furniture Co., Standard Service Station, Johnson Bros. Garage, City Barber Shop, Drs. W.W., Dr. M.B., and Dr. C.B. Will, Bertha Coffee Shop, Piere Garage, Hank’s Blacksmith shop, Thiel Hospital Association, Hartung’s Hardware, Olson and Quanbeck, Bottemiller Garage, Bertha Trading Post, The Sunshine Grocery, And Minnesota Power and Light Co.


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