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News from Bertha's and Hewitt's Pasts

25 Years Ago

April 30, 1997

Cash donations may be made at local businesses or sent to the Lake Country State Bank in Eagle Bend. Please mark your check “flood relief.” Items needed by flood victims are bottled water, non-perishable food items, gloves, snacks, etc...Please bring any of these items to the Eagle Bend City Hall meeting room. Volunteers are needed to sort and box up these items on May 2. The Bertha Boy Scout Troop #59 is also doing a service project by collecting items for flood victims on May 3 at the Bertha School parking lot that will go to the Fargo Salvation Army for distribution.


Miss Nanette Ostlund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ostlund of Bertha was selected to represent the Bertha-Hewitt High School and the Bertha American Legion Auxiliary at the 51st annual session of Minnesota Girls State that is being held at Bethel College on June 8-14. Miss Jamaica Oyster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robb Oyster of Hewitt was selected as an alternate.

75 Years Ago

May 1, 1947

Booster Day drawings, sponsored by the Bertha Commercial Club, will be instituted on Saturday, May 10. A Booster Day drawing will be held each Saturday evening throughout the summer, and once each month will be augmented by a program of entertainment and additional prizes to be given by the Bertha merchants.


Music students from Bertha High School under the director of Supt. L.W. Anderson and Miss Elaine Hansen made a very fine showing at the Music Festival in Glenwood. Eleven schools participated and according to the judges and directors, the students from Bertha were among the ablest artists to appear. Receiving special mention from the Bertha contingent were Kathryn Bottemiller, selected to render a flute solo at the Festival Concerts, and Rosella Bauer, named outstanding drummer.


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