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News from Bertha and Hewitt's Pasts

25 Years Ago

February 10, 1999

Kim Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Linden Johnson of Hewitt, was crowned Bertha-Hewitt’s Sno-Daze queen during the afternoon coronation ceremony on February 2. Derek Denny, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Denny of Hewitt, was crowned Sno-Daze king.


During February, “I Love to Read” month, Bertha-Hewitt School Librarian Sandy Maijala has invited parents and community members to read to students. Pictured is Ginger Gilbert reading “The Gingerbread Man” to kindergartners on February 4.

50 Years Ago

February 10, 1949

Douglas Kapphahn and Ramon Burnett had the big thrill of their young lives on Sunday when Mr. and Mrs. Harry Maine took them to visit the KWAD broadcasting station.


One hundred and ten thousand volts of electricity surged through 50 miles of three phase high line last Monday when the big switch was flipped at the Minnesota Power and Light Riverton Substation. It will bring a new supply of electricity to the steadily growing region, including Bertha.

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