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News from Bertha and Hewitt's Pasts

25 Years Ago

June 9, 1999

The Hewitt Co-op Grocery Store opened in October of 1993. Harold Tritsch was Hewitt’s mayor at the time and said when Hewitt’s last grocery store closed, he missed having one in town. He heard of a co-op grocery store near Detroit Lakes and went to look at it. Tritsch was impressed and thought that Hewitt needed one. He contacted the Central Minnesota Initiative Fund and got a $10,000 grant from them, and used it to get the store going. Tritsch is the president and all of the positions of the co-op are volunteer. Volunteers include: Ardy McAllister, Jim Walker, Marlys Peterson, Betty Tritsch, Marvel Blaske, Selda Benischek, Alice and Monte Schweninger and Mike Schwantes.


On Wednesday, June 9, the Bertha-Hewitt Marching Band will leave for Portland, Oregon Rose Festival celebration. The band, under the direction of Ken Nelson and 26 chaperones, will be performing in the Southwest Airlines Grand Floral Parade on Saturday, June 12. The parade is the second largest—all floral parade in the United States and is viewed by 500,000 spectators and televised nationally to millions. By invitation only, the Rose Festival committee accepted the Bertha-Hewitt Band in November 1998.

50 Years Ago

June 9, 1949

The Bertha Women’s Club will entertain the Todd County League of Women’s Clubs at the Congregational Church in Bertha, June 11 at 10:30 a.m. All members of the Bertha Club are urged to be present. Lunch will be served at noon. The hostess club will furnish hot dish, salad and coffee. Members should bring their own sandwiches and cake.


Ask for your free tickets every time that you are in the store. You may win hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of valuable prizes. —Bertha Hardware and Furniture Co.



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