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News from Bertha and Hewitt's Past

25 Years Ago

June 16, 1999

The Bertha-Hewitt Marching Band performed in the Portland Rose Festival Grand Floral parade on Saturday, June 12. The band was awarded first place in the category small bands out of state, and second place in all bands out of state and they placed sixth overall. Seventeen bands marched in the parade. Band members will return home on Thursday, June 17.


In 1976, the state of Minnesota compiled a book about the state’s history. Bob Aldrich wrote Hewitt’s history for that book using articles on the history of Hewitt written by O.B. DeLaurier in 1938. Bob began writing and recently completed compiling information and stories, editing and writing portions of the Hewitt Centennial 1899-1999. After compiling the history and gathering photographs, Bob handed the project over to Kathy Marquardt at the Independent News Herald. She printed the pages and put the book together. The books are available at the Hewitt Co-op Grocery Store, Bits ‘N Pieces and the Hewitt Historical Society Museum for $15.

50 Years Ago

June 16, 1949

The first of a series of five amateur shows will get underway Saturday evening. The show will be an open air affair and will be staged between the Olson and Quanbeck Store and the Herald office. Here is a real opportunity for people who can sing, whistle, dance, play an instrument or any of the multitude of things which can be done for entertainment to cash in on that talent.


Last Saturday, the Todd County Women’s Club convened at the Congregational Church parlors for their 47th meeting. Mrs. Paul Dennon of Staples, county president, presided. Roll call found most of the clubs of the county were represented. The afternoon session had Mrs. A.S. Williams of Staples presenting the main address “Indian Stories:” A very interesting narration describing her childhood on an Indian reservation in South Dakota where her father was a minister. Music was furnished by Charles Bottemiller, clarinet solo; Barbara Sundquist and Sandra Tangen, organ duet; and Mrs. Arnold Kujath, a vocal solo.



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