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News from Bertha and Hewitt's Pasts
25 Years Ago
August 18, 1999
Jim Adams showed the Bertha City Council his drawing for a new 48x84 community center building to sit on the lots now occupied by the Legion Club and Senior Citizens Center. The lots are 88x64. The building would include an ambulance garage, restrooms, kitchen, utility store room and seating for about 240 people.
Robin Viste, assistant manager of the liquor store, appeared before the council to let them know they were down to just two employees after the next weekend, and they had no suitable applicants to fill the bartending position. She cited lack of hours and low pay as the reasons they could not attract employees. Viste also said she wanted full-time benefits or she was going to start looking for other work.
50 Years Ago
August 18, 1949
The Reverend Erwin H. Warber was officially installed as pastor of St. Paul’s Evangelical and Reformed Church of Wadena and Peace Evangelical and Reformed Church of Bertha on Sunday evening. Reverend W.R. Burger preached the sermon and also read the charge to the congregation and the new pastor.
The Golden Gate 4-H Club made a splendid showing at the Todd County Fair. The members were proud because their booth received the grand champion award. They are to be congratulated.