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News from Bertha and Hewitt's Past
25 Years Ago
September 1, 1999
Diane Tiegland has taught fifth grade at Bertha-Hewitt for 25 years. During those years, she forged bonds with many students—one grade at a time. This year, Mrs. Tiegland will be involved with all of the students at Bertha-Hewitt Elementary School. She is the new elementary administrative assistant.
Tri-County Hospital participated in its ninth year of the Minnesota Hospital and Healthcare Partnership Summer Healthcare Intern Program funded in part by a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education and it was matched by the hospital. The goal of the program is to give local students a chance to explore career options in different fields of healthcare while offering them summer employment. The hope is that they will continue to pursue a healthcare career and eventually locate in rural Minnesota to provide their medical expertise full-time. Seventeen students applied, and in between their junior and senior year of high school were selected. Bertha-Hewitt students included Crystal Tindal and Alexis Johnson.
50 Years Ago
September 1, 1949
The grand finale of Bertha’s amateur contests held last Saturday night drew the largest crowd of the season as 10 contestants competed for the grand prize of $75. The first two winners of each of the summer’s preliminary Saturday contests were eligible to compete and each gave an excellent account in their performance. The program was broadcast over radio station KWAD. Miss Melita Lazdin, with an ethnic dance, received first prize by the judges. Second place went to Roger Hilstrand of Parkers Prairie with a vocal solo. Mrs. Patricia Ahrendt won the third award with her baton twirling act. The program was so successful plans have been made to continue next summer.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burgess recently received a communication from the Adjutant General of the Army in which he informed them their son, Harold, who had been previously listed as missing in action, is now considered to have been killed in action July 8, 1944, near Gerasdorf, Austria.