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News from Bertha and Hewitt's Pasts
25 Years Ago
December 28, 1999
The Bertha-Hewitt School Board approved to employ Lance Grewe as Junior Varsity ninth grade boys basketball coach for 1999-2000. There are over 30 students that have joined the sport this year.
Bertha-Hewitt student goals for 1999-2000: “To get on the Honor Roll,” Val Allen, 9th grade. “To get work in on time,” Timothy Hatchard, sixth grade. “To get on the ‘A’ Honor Roll,” Jill Butler, 11th grade. “To get better grades,” Travis Allen, 4th grade. “To get the best grades as possible,” Sara Brauch, 8th grade.
50 Years Ago
December 29, 1949
Christmas mail this year was the heaviest in the history of the local post office according to Mrs. S.P. Alden, postmistress. Extra help was needed to handle the rush and Mrs. Donald Lubke and Ralph Orr were added to the regular force.
Movies on sports life and election of officers will highlight the regular monthly meeting of the Bertha-Hewitt Sportsmen’s Club on Thursday held in the Masonic Hall. Twelve candidates have been nominated to serve on the Board of Directors. They are: Art Lange, Joe Blashack, Herb Schaefer, Harry Maine, Carlton Tramm, Harry Luijens, and Bus Cary of Bertha; and from Hewitt: Harold Tritsch, Emil Rieck, Harold Wagner, and Wayne McIntire.