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News from Bertha and Hewitt's Pasts
25 Years Ago
February 23, 2000
At the February 14 meeting of the Bertha City Council, Mayor Don Booen told the board that the state requires an architect or structural engineer to draw up the plans for the community center building. This is a state law that has been passed by the legislature within the past two years and the plans have to be certified and approved by an architect or structural engineer when it is a public building. This could cost an additional $15,000-$21,000. Along with the removal of the old buildings and preparing the site, the community center could cost $230,000-$250,000.
The Bertha-Hewitt Spelling Bee Contest winners pictured with Superintendent Larry Werder are: third place, Doug Quance; second place, Amy Fitzlaff; and first place, Stephanie Boehland. The first place winner advances to the Regional Spelling Bee at the Centennial Auditorium in Staples on March 2.
50 Years Ago
February 23, 1950
Eight students from the Bertha School will participate in the Sub-District Speech Contest at Sauk Centre. The eight were selected following a local contest. Those participating are: Duane Schoneman, Clinton Hof, Charles Bottemiller, Genevieve Kassube, John Riggs, JoAnne Wegner, Mazine Heuer and Dale Franklin. A large crowd attended the local festival with music furnished by the Girl’s Glee Club under the direction of Howard Boquest. The critic judge was Mrs. Kujath, speech instructor at the Staples School.
A special service at the Congregational Church will mark the observance of World Day of Prayer by local churches. The local service will be part of a chain of prayer that will be observed by millions of people worshiping in all corners of the earth, praying in 60 different languages. The members of the Christian Service Guild and WSCS of the Hewitt Church will join in the special service.