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News from Bertha and Hewitt's Pasts

25 Years Ago

March 22, 2000

At the March 13 Bertha City Council meeting, the council members passed a motion to pursue the community center building to the architect level. The drawing of the specs is not to exceed $3000. The council is hoping to get some input from the architect to lower the cost o the building by possibly making changes in the heating system and by lowering the ceilings.


The state BPA competition was held March 8-11 at the Hyatt Hotel in Minneapolis. Bertha-Hewitt’s Zane Packard and Lee Current took first and second place respectively in the Management Accounting contest. Zane and Lee won the right to advance to the National Business Professionals of America next month in Minneapolis.

75 Years Ago

March 23, 1950

Bertha has “met the world” and the meeting turned out to be one of the biggest and most significant events in the history of the community. What started as a dream in the minds of Ester Milbrath, Bertha U. of M. student, and John Price, University YMCA, became a reality last weekend when 42 university students from 22 countries were guests in the Bertha community and area homes. From the time the students were welcomed by Mayor George Quanbeck Friday afternoon, enthusiasm for the project mounted until it literally overwhelmed the community in an emotional wave of goodwill and fellowship.


An open letter to the people in Bertha: It is a large assignment when a community undertakes to become for a short weekend the crossroads of the world. But you have all demonstrated that you were big because of the dream that was in your hearts. No dream, regardless of how large it was, could have failed when a community pulls together as a team, so clearly demonstrating that you are “one people” opening wide your doors of friendship and love to students of “one world.” Your guests.


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