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News from Bertha's and Hewitt's Pasts
25 Years Ago
January 24, 1996
Pictured were the participants in the Lion’s Mid-Winter Poster Contest and members of the Lions and Lioness clubs. Back row: Al Finn of the Hewitt Lions, Jessica Hagen, Rebecka Collom, Andrea Davenport, Kayle Kirscht, Tanya Kramer, David Adams, and Bev Booen of the Hewitt Lioness. Front row: Becky Shaw took seventh place in the 5M9 District, Stacy Denny took fifteenth place and Dawn Shaw took eighth place; all three received a CD player and a $100 savings bond. There were 500 people that voted on the 45 posters which came from different schools in the 5M9 District.
A 1987 graduate from Bertha-Hewitt, Brian Budahn, will be performing in his fifth production with the Minnesota Opera opening on January 20. This season-opening production will be “La Boheme” or “The Bohemians.” It is probably Puccini’s most well-known and best-loved opera.
75 Years Ago
January 24, 1946
The Bertha Women’s Club enjoyed a most interesting meeting at the home of Miss Della Olson with Mrs. Adolph Herseth, Sr., Mrs. George Wuanbeck, Mrs. Arthur Potratz, Mrs. August Thias, and Mrs. Mildred Olson as hostesses. Adolph Herseth, Jr., presented coronet solos. The topic was Chinese culture. Dr. Lillian Olson, a medical missionary for several years in China, answered many questions.
The regular meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. A.J. Hilpert with Mrs. Wm. Englemann assisting as hostess. January 28 is the day to pack a box of clothing for European relief. A review was held on the book “I Walk Alone,” a story dealing with leprosy.