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News from Bertha's and Hewitt's Pasts
25 Years Ago
March 13, 1996
Caroline M. Kirscht, a student studying furniture building and cabinet construction at the Bertha-Hewitt School, has been named a local winner in their SERVISTAR and Coast to Coast All-American Vocational Student Awards program. As a local winner, Caroline will receive a $100 U.S. savings bond, which will be awarded by SERVISTAR Corporations and Coast to Coast Stores, Inc. Caroline received her award from Terry Lynk from the Wadena Coast to Coast store.
The B-H Speech Team did well at the Minnewaska Invitational Speech Meet held last Saturday, March 9. Over 500 speakers competed in the 13 categories. The B-H team earned the third-place trophy in the small school division. There were eight schools represented in this division. In addition, Jessica Samuelson advanced to the final round in Informative and placed fifth overall. The team included: Amanda Denny, Mata Packard, Andy Davenport, Gail Butler, Nancy Kuperus, Jessica Samuelson, Theresa Richter, Susie Fosness, Heidi Stokes, and Mr. Nell.
75 Years Ago
March 14, 1946
Housewives will obtain sugar for home canning through the use of their family ration books. Spare stamp 9 became good on March 11 for five pounds of home canning sugar. The stamp will be good through October 31.
Hank’s Blacksmith Shop will be the host to farmers at a theater party at the Bertha Theater, where the picture “Made in America” will be shown for the first time in this vicinity. The picture would be of great interest since the Herald learned that a portion of it was filmed in Bertha with local people in the cast.