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News from Bertha's and Hewitt's Pasts
25 Years Ago
December 4, 1996
Ninety-three students in grades K-6 at the Bertha-Hewitt Elementary School recently participated in a program called TV Busters. They were challenged to a month without TV in return for a “Buster” party. The goal of TV Buster is not to eliminate television completely, rather make our viewing more selective and to consider alternate activities. A pizza and pop celebration was held at the end of the month to recognize the dedication of the 93 students who successfully completed the program.
Heidi Blashack took part in the Wadena VFW and Auxiliary Post sponsored competition as part of their Veterans Day program. Students were to write a speech and then deliver it. Schools competing were Wadena-Deer Creek, Verndale and Bertha-Hewitt. Blashack took first at Bertha-Hewitt and at the post.
75 Years Ago
December 5, 1946
A meeting of mothers of high school band members was held to complete the organization of a group to be known as Band Mothers. The purpose of the organization is to sponsor projects designed to raise money for the purchase of new uniforms. The first project will be the serving of lunches after the home basketball games. The ladies who will prepare for the first game include: Mrs. A.R. Comell, Mrs. Annie Harlow, Mrs. Walter Milbrath, Mrs. Wm. Heuer, Mrs. George Wuanbeck, Mrs. Herman Sundquist, Mrs. W.A. Bottemiller, Mrs D.C. Sagehorn, Mrs. L.W. Anderson and Mrs Clarence Johnston.
Vaughn Hokanson, captain of Bertha’s undefeated six-man football team, was named to an end position on the Minnesota All-State six-man team selected by Ted Peterson, Minneapolis Star Journal sports editor.