Memories Gone By
News from Browerville's Past
25 Years Ago
December 19, 1996
Kip Felix was out shoveling Sunday night while the beautiful Christmas display at his home lit the neighborhood. The Kip and Tina Felix display was one of the many that were enjoyed by the crowd taking hayrides at the Old Fashioned Christmas. There was a large turnout for the festivities held Sunday night at the community center.
Kathy Adams of the Central Minnesota Initiative Foundation attended the Browerville City Council meeting last Thursday night to give an update on the foundation and explain various grant programs. First, though, Adams gave the council a plaque in support of CMIF. Browerville is among many cities in the region which have donated up to $1.50 per capita to help implement the CMIF programs.
Browerville Police Chief Corey Heid videotaped and fingerprinted Alyssa Duncan, one of 175 kindergarten through third graders from Christ the King and Browerville Public School. Parents covered the cost of the videotape, which they keep with the fingerprint card. If more than one child from the same family takes part, they can be recorded on the same tape. Chief Heid said that they offer the program every three years so they cover the next batch of kids.
The Browerville Tigers lost three meets in the tough New York Mills tournament on Saturday. The losses bring the team record to one win and three losses for the season. The teams in the tournament included Wheaton-Herman-Norcross and West Central. Mitch Becker had a good day though and put up three more wins to bring his season record to 3-0.