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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

May 1, 1997

The Browerville Tigerette’s Danceline team made a generous donation to the Browerville Food Shelf. Items were donated at a public performance held at the high school, where over 125 people attended. Pictured: Dani Wiersgalla, Bonnie Carlson, Mary Brichacek, Tonya Prather, Janelle Wippler, Daniella Lamusga, Rebecca Ball, Kelly Wieshalla, Rebecca Leehy, Food Shelf Board Member Vince Leisen, Tanya Lee, Instructor Joannie Skillings, Health Taylor, and Instructor Kim Betts.


During the last week of March, the third through sixth-grade students of the Browerville Public School participated in the Second Annual Sport Olympics. This event combines an individual’s skill scores in five different categories and their written rules scores. The skill scores come from baseball, basketball, football, soccer and volleyball. The Sport Olympics grand champion was Justin Noska with a score of 128 points.

75 Years Ago

May 3, 1947

In a business transaction completed Monday of this week, Walter Horstman, purchased the Browerville Blade. The Blade has been owned and operated for the past six years by R.W. and R.F. Bassett. Mr. Horstman was born and raised in Browerville and was a member of the first class to graduate from Browerville in 1923 and acquired his first experience in the printing trade here, as an apprentice for the Browerville Blade.


On May 1, the Plotnik Meat Market, owned and operated by Peter Plotnik, will celebrate its 25th year of business. On May 1, 1922, the late Ig. Plotnik and his sons Peter and Robert took over the meat market, then owned by the late P.J. Vennewitz.


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