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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

May 8, 1997

Five members of the Browerville FFA Chapter participated in career development events at the U of M St. Paul Campus on April 27-29. Sherry Landowski participated in the state talent contest at the student center on Sunday evening. In Poultry Judging the Browerville FFA Chapter placed sixth out of 40 teams. Ryan Perish was the fifth-highest scoring individual overall and Sherry Landowski was ninth. Josh Hayes, Paul Perish and Mark Meyers were also team members.


The Browerville Public Elementary School Physical Education Department is proud to announce the physical fitness awards winners. The top 10 included: Ben Brown, 8.8 seconds-shuttle run; Justin Noska, 7’3”-standing long jump; Brandon Betts, 7’3”-standing long jump; Daniel Hermanson, 7’-standing long jump; Jason Tabatt, 80.7 seconds-fixed arm hang; Justin Noska, 1.44 seconds-600 yard run; Ben Brown, 1.46 seconds-600 yard run.

75 Years Ago

May 10, 1947

The people of this community will be glad to hear of the opening of a new dry goods store in Browerville. Located at what was formerly Mary’s Beauty Shop, the new store called the Blessing Company, will carry a full line of general dry goods. The new owners are Mr. and Mrs. Blessing. Mrs. Blessing is the former Anne Chihos of this community.


The 1947 Senior Class of Browerville High School numbering 26 pupils, enjoyed a theater party at the Cozy Theater in Long Prairie Tuesday evening. The theatre party was preceded by a delicious 6 o’clock chicken dinner at the Quality Inn of this village. Following the show “Margie,” the party returned to the Quality Inn to enjoy dancing until 11 p.m.


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