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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

December 4, 1997

Christ the King kindergarten and first-grade classes brought food donations to the Browerville Food Shelf. These items were collected at the Bishop’s Mass at school on November 24. Deacon Vince Leisen indicated that the Browerville Food Shelf got its start in the early 1980s when Christ the King students collected food items for the hungry at Thanksgiving Mass. In those first years, so much was collected at Thanksgiving that the program of giving to the hungry was expanded to Christmas giveaways, too. Because the generosity of the community caused a need for a larger food storage space, the food shelf moved from the basement of the drug store to the basement of the city hall. With the help of government grants and corporation donations, the food shelf extended its services to the community throughout the year.


Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus, Joe Buhl, presented two checks from funds raised by the 1997 Tootsie Roll Drive. Joe presented a check to John Eutenever, program director of the DAC, for the amount of $296.15. The funds will go to replace the aging vans now in use. Kim Porwall accepted the other check for the amount of $197.43 for Special Olympics. The money was used for the state Special Olympics Bowling Tournament.

75 Years Ago

December 4, 1947

Dr. A.J. Lenarz has been named chairman in the Browerville community for the drive funds to promote the candidacy of Harold E. Stassen, Minnesota’s favorite son for the presidency.


The annual village election which was held on Tuesday, December 2, brought out the largest vote cast in Browerville in many years. A total of 291 local citizens visited the polls on Tuesday. Joseph Poplinski was elected for a term of two years as president of the village. Frank Borgert was elected as councilman for a term of three years.


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