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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

May 28, 1998

American Heritage National Bank offered to purchase 100 percent of the city’s G.O. bonds, which provided significant savings to the city with their projects to improve water and sewer enhancements. Mayor Wiersgalla stated he was pleased with the community spirit shown by American Heritage National Bank. The city’s $1.3 million improvement project will include a new water tower, extension lines for Dan’s Prize, a new well and improvements to the treatment plant.


Fourth-grade students of Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Spychalla of Browerville Public School collected 83 pounds of pop tabs (about 91,000) for the Ronald McDonald Houses. Proceeds are used to furnish the homes, which house families whose children are receiving medical treatment. Pictured, weighing their collection are Jacob Roden, Chelsie Ottomoeller, Natalie Noland, and Moly Irsfeld.

75 Years Ago

May 27, 1948

At 1 a.m., the parade to the Catholic Cemetery will form on Main Street in front of the city hall, in order facing south, led by the marshal of the day, James Borgert. At Drayer Creek, a brief stop will be made where a short service will be held in honor of our gallant sailor dead. The parade will form as follows: colors, firing squad, Browerville High School Band, four girls carrying the flag for Sailor dead, all ex-servicemen of World Wars I and II, American Legion Auxiliary, boy scout troop, all school children, Browerville Fire Department, other civic organizations, and civilians.


The new Home Bakery Retail Shop was opened last Friday in the Chas. Larson building on North Main Street. Elmer Sursely of Long Prairie is the proprietor, while Leslie “Spud” Simonson of Browerville is the operator. Besides handling all kinds of baked goods, the new shop will sell ice cream and soft drinks. Lots of success is wished to the boys in their venture.



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