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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

April 8, 1999

Allen Hoelscher, Pat Schorn and Steve Lieser were visiting Saturday on main street. Allen thinks the new water tower should be an earth-tone-like tan and not white. Pat and Steve agreed on black and orange. Pat said the town name should be in black with orange insets. All there said they wouldn’t mind seeing a Tiger on it.


DARE classes held graduation ceremonies. Guest Speaker Jay Seiling, brother of Eagle Valley sixth grade teacher John Seiling, was the guest speaker at the Browerville and Eagle Valley elementary schools’ DARE graduations. Jay entertained with an informative speech on ‘the importance of saying no.’ He also demonstrated several magic tricks.

75 Years Ago

April 7, 1949

The choir of the Immanuel Lutheran Church of Clarissa will present their annual Easter Cantata on Wednesday evening, April 13. The Cantata to be given this year is entitled, “Redemption’s Song.” It is an Easter Choir Cantata by Fred Holten. The Immanuel choir of 25 voices is directed by Pastor Hawkinson with Mrs. Gordon Hokanson as the accompanist.


Captured by the Nazis, transported by cattle car to Austria, wounded by shrapnel from American bombs, Roman Pawlish now finds himself secure on a Todd County farm. The Polish youth was 17 when he was seized by the Nazis in 1943 while he was attending a technical high school in Sanok. The Nazis trapped a number of students with whom Roman was strolling one day on the school grounds. When he arrived he was met by Frank J. Sobota on whose farm he is now employed.



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