Memories Gone By
News from Browerville's Past
25 Years Ago
April 14, 1999
Put a tiger on the new water tank, paint it black and orange, paint it with tiger stripes, paint it tan, beige, blue. These and many more are but a few of the ideas that are being sent to city hall suggesting how to paint the new water tower. Greg Johnson’s fifth grade class watched the tank being raised. Sandra Blenkush said the water tower needs to have an identity and has discussed many other unique water tower designs with people recently.
Students in grades 4-12 from Browerville Public School were invited to participate in a school art show where artwork was selected to represent the school district at a regional art fair. The school art show was held in conjunction with the Grandparent and Parents Day programs on April 9 and 12. The senior award winners were: Jennifer Frerichs, Jennifer Gwilt, Stacy Broquist, Justin Ostrowski and Nate Frisch.
75 Years Ago
April 14, 1949
April 29 draws nearer to the hour when the Junior Class of Browerville High School will present the three act play “Annie Laurie”. No doubt you have sung the song countless times and have heard others sing it over and over again. Have you not pondered over the question whether Annie Laurie was a real flesh and blood personality and not a creation of some lyric writer’s fancy? These questions will be answered for you in the gripping, charming, exciting play “Annie Laurie” to be given at the Paderewski Hall on Friday, April 29.
Browerville’s Volunteer Fire Department will hold its annual Easter Ball at the North Star Coliseum next Monday evening, April 13. Benny Patri and his band will provide the program of new and old time music.