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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

April 29, 1999

Daytime burglaries plague the south end of the county. Sometime between 7:30 p.m. on April 22 and 7:30 a.m. Friday, April 23, someone stole a shotgun valued at $375 from a garage at the David Bitz home in Birchdale Township.


What started as a small back yard operation of raising healthy chickens might be the future for a local Browerville couple and their family. Anna Froemming grew up in rural Browerville on her family’s farm. She attended college and had no intention of returning to the rural life. In college she married Scott and started a family business that would bring her back to town.

75 Years Ago

April 28, 1949

Radio broadcasts and press releases reveal that President Truman and other proponents of compulsory sickness insurance have removed all Congressional stops and demand its enactment immediately. This necessitates a flood of opposing letters and telegrams to the president, senators and representatives in Washington. All bills are present versions of compulsory sickness insurance or socialized medicine.


A farm bill passed by the legislature required that all milk sold for human consumption, except that purchased by the consumer at the farm, must be pasteurized. Included will be a system of licensing to get more uniformity for candling, grading, and marketing eggs. They also require “iced milk” to be labeled to distinguish it from ice cream.



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