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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

July 8, 1999

Martin Bruestle lives in the Los Angeles area and works in the TV business, currently as a producer for an HBO series ‘The Sopranos’, a New Jersey mafia drama. Martin is making a documentary about his great uncle, Harold Nordstrom who died in Manila during World War II. The tie to Browerville? Martin’s grandma, the late Margaret Bruestle, who gave Martin a box of letters and a photo of his great uncle, which made him curious about the man he had never met. Martin was in Browerville over the Memorial Day weekend researching, filming and talking to family members, including Eva Steinert and Alice Loken. If all goes well, Martin plans to screen the film here when it is finished, possibly by the end of the year.


The Fourth of July weekend was as hot and muggy as a Minnesota summer day can be. Main Street sweltered under cloudy skies and 90 degree temperatures and everyone who could headed to a nearby lake.

75 Years Ago

July 7, 1949

On Friday, July 1, the Minnesota trunk highway system was expanded approximately 700 miles. The new law was passed by the last legislature, adding 73 new routes to the system.


The Browerville Commercial Club is entertaining their wives, some prominent men of Todd County and the queen candidates on Thursday, July 7, at a feed at the Horseshoe Lake Pavilion. Every member is urged to be present.



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