Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past
25 Years Ago
August 19, 1999
A large contingency of property owners affected by the proposed street improvements to Park and Perry Avenues and 1st, 9th and 10th Streets attended the August 12 council meeting. While most people were in favor of the water and sanitary sewer improvements, many question the benefit of the curb and gutter and storm sewer added to their property.
Nicole Tyrrell prefers to come home and help on her family’s farm, northeast of Browerville, during her weekends rather than stay in St. Paul where she’ll be a sophomore at the University of Minnesota’s St. Paul campus. Nicole’s love and dedication to the farm that has been in the Tyrrell family for five generations has rewarded her in many ways over the years. Being crowned National Guernsey Princess at the National Guernsey Association’s competition in Ohio in July was one of those rewards.
75 Years Ago
August 19, 1949
Todd County farmers are due for some assistance from the University of Minnesota agricultural scientists in their fight against the corn borer. Local farmers, now busy spraying and dusting corn to control second brood borers, can look forward to a new corn hybrid resistant to the pest that cost state producers $23 million the past two years.
The Browerville Community Sportsman’s Club met at the city hall on Tuesday evening. A large crowd was in attendance to see interesting slides shown by Logan Scow of Long Prairie. A lunch was served.