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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

September 2, 1999

“We’ve been changing schedules over and over again, and when school starts we’ll probably have to change them again.” That is what Joan Wollenberg said about the work she and her co-worker Jackie Stender have been doing in the last frantic days before school starts. Stender added, “We are busy making lots of copies for teachers and working on changes with students.” The office staff is confident they will have everything under control in good time for opening day. The 1999-2000 school year starts Wednesday, September 1.


Breaking a pinata was one of the fun activities for the kids at a potluck picnic held Saturday afternoon at Lake Charlotte Park in Long Prairie. Kids took turns trying to break the candy filled pinata and gather up some treats. The picnic was one of the first activities hosted by the new Todd County Hispanic Liaison, Gloria Edin. Edin hopes that gatherings like this will help bring the Hispanic community and others together, using good fun and good food to make better neighbors.

75 Years Ago

September 1, 1949

The Browerville High School athletic field was filled to the brim last Sunday afternoon with enthusiastic ball fans. Considerably better than 2000 folks witnessed two very good games of baseball and showed their great appreciation through their rousing cheering. In the first game of the afternoon, the New York Mills Millers played the locals, who with Bob Jonckowski on the mound, defeated the visitors 9 to 0.


The Board of Education has engaged the services of two new staff members to the high school faculty for the ensuing year. Mr. K. Iverson of Alvarado, Minnesota, will serve on the faculty as social studies instructor and band director. Mr. J. Dressen of Shakopee will teach history, English and science. He will also serve as assistant basketball coach.



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