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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

October 7, 1999

Queen Renee Benning and King Jessie Lisson, and the royal court are pictured at the 1999 homecoming coronation held on Monday. Royal court: Angie Determan, Katie Brever, Andrea Geraets, Rawney Thompson, Chris Schaefer, Ben Sutlief, Brent Lieser and Reid Michael.


On Friday afternoon, Christ the King students braved the brisk weather and participated in the National Marathon for non-public education. Students assembled in the school gym and walked to the football field where many laps around the track were made by students, staff, family and friends. Sixth graders Cody John, Jenni Johnson and Jordan Ostrowski were credited with 32 laps!

75 Years Ago

October 6, 1949

The Browerville Tigers extended their winning streak to 11 by wining their second conference game of the season on Friday afternoon by downing Eagle Bend 34 to 21. The Tigers took an early 14-0 first quarter lead and had the game under control at all times with scores of 22-7 at the half and 28-7 at the third quarter.


Mayor and Mrs. Joseph Poplinski returned home last Sunday evening from a month’s visit at various points in New England. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Alex Goldfine and other relatives in New York and with their nephew Capitan Robert E. Lee of Lombard, Illinois who flew them by plane from Newark, New Jersey to Chicago, Illinois where they visited Mrs. Hattie Warzena and other relatives. Louis Sadlo met them at Minneapolis and brought them home on Sunday.



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