Memories Gone By
News from Browerville's Past
25 Years Ago
December 9, 1999
Pictured, everyone is all warm and cozy—wrapped up in blankets for the hayride on Sunday evening. There was a distinctly festive air at the Community Center on Sunday when Browerville celebrated its annual Old Fashioned Christmas. There was good food, music, visits with Santa, prize drawings and, of course, hayrides. Riders had a chance to see all of the beautiful Christmas lights and displays around town.
Brower’s Village is open and ready for the Christmas season. You’ll get a chance to win a ‘Life on the Farm’ game by Ev Johnson, a photo by Bentz Photography or cabinets and more from Rick Brichacek. Come and see what Brower’s Village has to offer.
75 Years Ago
December 9, 1949
William Kunz of Browerville, 5-10, and 198 pound center, has been chosen as a member of the all-state six man football team. He’s the fellow who has been given a good share of the credit for Browerville’s two straight undefeated seasons and was the most talked about player in the Park Region Conference. Browerville now has a string of 15 straight wins.
Arrangements have been completed for a Father and Son Banquet to be held at the Browerville High School on December 8. This banquet will be held to demonstrate the recognition due to the unbeaten football team. Coaches Zins and Dressen and the dads will be included. Harvey Ring, a quarterback on Minnesota’s National Championship Team of 1934, has been secured as toast master. And George Durenberger, athletic director at St. John’s University, has been engaged as the speaker.