Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past
25 Years Ago
December 23, 1999
Dear Santa, May I have a dog, a guinea pig, and a horse? May I have a race track, 4 cars, Deer Hunter 2 and a box of Pokemon cards? I want a Charmander stuffed animal and a Pikachu stuffed animal. May I have all the Vikings collector cards and a pellet gun? Love, James Olson.
Dear Santa, May I have a porcelain doll, a Tweety Bird fortune teller, one Spice Girl Barbie, a Tweety Bird stuffed toy, pants, a shirt and a Tweety Bird pillow case, Tweety Bird stickers, container, Birthday Beanie Baby, a CD player with a tape to go with it, horses, a horse barn, a horse stable, books and a stuffed bear? Your friend, Elsie Krause.
75 Years Ago
December 22, 1949
The Browerville Commercial Club met at the city hall last Thursday evening with a large number of the members present. The financial report was read and shows the club is in very healthy condition. The following members were elected to the board of directors: Sylvester Lamusga, Frank Eldred and Frank Wenzel.
On December 21, at 8 p.m., at the spacious Paderewski Auditorium, the Browerville High School students will present a Christmas program to the public free of charge. The program is as follows: Silent Night, Glee Club; Festival of Nations Prayer, Marie Wangler; Christmas by Candlelight, pageant reader, Glee Club; recessional, silent night; welcome, George Zunker; band selections, Mr. Iverson, director.